05 March 2009

Kucing jual ikan...

Dari cerita teman yang pernah bekerja di pasar borong, kucing di pasar dah tak pandang ikan lagi dah..dah jemu. Kucing di pasar makan sotong,udang dll selain ikan.

gambar kelakar @ isuhangat

"Nyonya, ikan kembung mulah-mulah meh"

Get More Buyers

Get More Buyers is an online course. It deals with the subject of training people on how to build a large volume of traffic to their business website by creating opt-in lists and using them in the right manner.

The course is developed by Michael Rasmussen, who has made as much as $500,000 on ClickBank in a single year and has been recorded by them for this achievement.


Pokok pisang mengandung

Saya pernah melihat pokok pisang berbuah di batang. tapi gambar ni menunjukkan buah pisang dari dalam perut pokok pisang itu sendiri.

Kekuasaan Allah, mungkin ada sebab saintifik kejadian pokok pisang berbuah di batang kerana kejadian ini walaupun pelik tapi kerap juga kita mendengarnya.

pokok pisang mengandung @ isuhangat

pokok pisang mengandung @ isuhangat

Sumber: isuhangat.blogspot.com

Super Affiliate Handbook

Super Affiliate Handbook is an eBook that tells people how to go about affiliate marketing the right way and make some good money in the process.

The book is authored by Rosalind Gardner. The language of the book is kept casual for the nontechnical reader to understand and at the same time it speaks to the hardcore affiliate marketer also.


Banjir di PWTC buat renungan kita bersama...

Benarlah, Allah kalau nak tarik nikmat hanya sekelip mata. Contohnya dalam keadaan banjir, banyak harta yang rosak atau musnah dalam tempoh yang sekejap sahaja.

Lihatlah kereta-kereta di bawah. Siapa sangka, pagi tadi sedap kita drive dengan lancar , tup-tup balik, kereta sudah tengelam. Kalau kereta mewah, harga kad komputer (ECU) dah berharga RM10,000.


gambar banjir KL @isuhangat

gambar banjir KL @isuhangat
gambar banjir KL @isuhangat

Sumber: isuhangat.blogspot com

Internet Wealth

Internet Wealth is a moneymaking system designed by Ewen Chia. The system explains how people can make their own moneymaking affiliate websites and earn large sums of money in a short period of time.

Ewen Chia claims to have used the method himself and made a huge amount of money through ClickBank affiliate marketing.


Ada hikmah disebalik kegawatan ekonomi

Tahun 2009 adalah tahun yang sukar bagi kebanyakan pekerja. Ada yang mengatakan ekonomi akan pulih tetapi kenyataannya semakin ramai yang sudah diberhentikan kerja.

Kebiasaannya yang paling baru bekerja adalah pilhan yang terdahulu di tawarkan VSS. Ada juga dipilih yang bergaji besar dahulu, ada yang lihat department mana yang tiada produktiviti . Tetapi malang jika syarikat yang kita bekerja tersebut diisytiharkan bankrap, pekerja tidak akan mendapat pampasan langsung.

Dalam ekonomi yang sakit ni, syarikat menunggu masa sahaja pekerja membuat silap. Lambat datang 5 minit pun ada kena potong gaji. Elaun kedatangan pun biasanya tidak dapat kerana bekerja tidak cukup sebulan kerana gaji 4 hari sahaja seminggu.

Walau apa pun harap yang terkena tempias ekonomi merudum ni semoga bersabar dengan dugaan Allah. Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Mungkin mengajar kita supaya jangan boros atau jangan mengamalkan riba terutama dalam pinjaman kereta dan rumah.

Adakah sepatutnya membeli kereta terpakai dengan harga tunai sekadar yang kita mampu? Fenomena sekarang pihak bank mengenakan interest yang sangat rendah. Jika sebelum ini hanya kakitangan kerajaan dan badan berkanun sahaja yang dikenakan interest 4%, sekarang pihak bank pun TERPAKSA mengenakan interest yang serendah 4% atau kurang.

Saya berpendapat sudah tiba masanya sistem kewangan Islam digunakan sepenuhnya seperti Takaful, Sukuk, Ar Rahnu dan yang lain-lain dan ternyata menjadi alternatif terbaik dalam berhadapan dengan krisis semasa.

Super Affiliate Handbook

Super Affiliate Handbook is an eBook that tells people how to go about affiliate marketing the right way and make some good money in the process.

The book is authored by Rosalind Gardner. The language of the book is kept casual for the nontechnical reader to understand and at the same time it speaks to the hardcore affiliate marketer also.


10 working tips for 2009

1) Do not get into trouble

today's joke

2) Aim for greater heights

today's joke

3) Stay focussed on your job

today's joke

4) Exercise to maintain good health

today's joke

5) Practice Team work

today's joke

6) Rely on your trusted partner to watch your back, take your time trusting others...

today's joke

7) Save for rainy days

today's joke

8) Rest and relax

today's joke

9) Always smile when your boss is around

today's joke

10) Nothing is impossible


today's joke

Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate

The Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate is an eBook that tells people how they can make money through affiliate marketing using a very simple method that the author has developed.

The author of the eBook is Chris Rempel who has been with the Internet business since three years, having a special expertise in making "money" websites, i.e. websites that generate money on their own.


Amalan Islam Dalam Kesihatan

" Mandi Pagi sebelum subuh @ sekurang kurangnya sejam sebelum matahari naik. Air sejuk yang meresap kedalam badan boleh mengurangkan lemak mengumpul. Kita boleh saksikan orang mengamal mandi pagi kebanyakan badan tak gemuk.

Rasulullah mengamalkan minum segelas air sejuk (bukan air ais) setiap pagi. Mujarabnya Insayallah jauh dari penyakit (susah nak kena sakit).

Waktu sembahyang subuh disunatkan kita bertafakur (iaitu sujud sekurang kurangnya seminit selepas membaca doa). Ia boleh mengelak dari sakit pening atau migrin. Ini terbukti oleh para saintis yang membuat kajian kenapa dalam sehari perlu kita sujud. Ahli-ahli sains telah menemui beberapa milimeter ruang udara dalam saluran darah di kepala yg tidak dipenuhi darah. Dengan bersujud maka darah akan mengalir keruang berkenaan.

Dalam kitab juga ada melarang kita makan makanan darat bercampur dengan makanan laut.

Nabi pernah menegah kita makan ikan bersama susu. di kuatiri akan cepat mendapat penyakit. Ini terbukti oleh saintis yang menjumpai dimana dalam badan ayam mengandungi ion+ manakala dalam ikan mengandungi ion-, jika dalam suapan ayam bercampur dengan ikan maka terjadi tidakkan balas biokimia yang terhasil yang boleh
merosakkan usus kita.

Nabi juga mengajar kita makan dengan tangan dan bila habis hendaklah menjilat jari. Begitu juga ahli saintis telah menjumpa bahawa enzyme banyak terkandung di celah jari jari, iaitu 10 kali ganda terdapat dalam air liur. (enzyme sejenis alat percerna makanan, tanpanya makanan tidak hadam)


Secret Affiliate Code 2

In the simplest way, Secret Affiliate Code 2 can be described as an online course that explains how to make money from the Internet.

The eBook described various methods of making money off the Internet, including methods such as search engine optimization (both on page and off page), affiliate marketing, doing market research and analyses about products that sell, etc.

The course is designed by Craig Beckta, who had also authored the online bestseller Secret Affiliate Code, of which this eBook is an improvisation.


03 March 2009

Top 10 Transparent Animals!

Here are the most interesting transparent animals, from icefish to jellyfish to frogs to butterflies! Nature sure is very interesting!

Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

  1. Transparent Frog

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    Native to Venezuela, the Glass Frogs belong to the amphibian family Centrolenidae (order Anura). While the general background coloration of most glass frogs is primarily lime green, the abdominal skin of some members of this family is transparent, so that the heart, liver, and digestive tract are visible through their translucent skin. (Photo by Heidi and Hans-Jurgen Koch)

  2. Transparent Head Fish

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    This bizarre deep-water fish called the Barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) has a transparent head and tubular eyes. It has extremely light-sensitive eyes that can rotate within his transparent, fluid-filled shield on its head, while the fish's tubular eyes, well inside the head, are capped by bright green lenses. The eyes point upward (as shown here) when the fish is looking for food overhead. They point forward when the fish is feeding. The two spots above the fish's mouth are not eyes: those are olfactory organs called nares, which are analogous to human nostrils. (Photo by MBARI)

  3. Transparent Butterfly

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    Found in Central America, from Mexico to Panama, the Glasswing Butterfly (Greta Oto) is a brush-footed butterfly where its wings are transparent. The tissue between the veins of its wings looks like glass. (Photo by Hemmy)

  4. Transparent Squid

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    Found on the southern hemisphere's oceans, the Glass Squid (Teuthowenia pellucida) has light organs on its eyes and possesses the ability to roll into a ball, like an aquatic hedgehog. It is prey of many deep-sea fish (eg goblin sharks) as well as whales and oceanic seabirds. (Photo by Peter Batson)

  5. Transparent Zebrafish created by scientists

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    This see-through zebrafish was created in 2008 by scientists so they can study disease processes, including the spread of cancer. The transparent fish are allowing researchers at Children's Hospital Boston to directly view fish's internal organs and observe processes such as tumor growth in real-time in living organisms. (Photo by LS)

  6. Transparent Icefish

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    Fund in the cold waters around Antarctica and southern South America, the crocodile icefish (Channichthyidae) feed on krill, copepods, and other fish. Their blood is transparent because they have no hemoglobin and/or only defunct erythrocytes. Their metabolism relies only on the oxygen dissolved in the liquid blood, which is believed to be absorbed directly through the skin from the water. This works because water can dissolve the most oxygen when it is coldest. In five species, the gene for myoglobin in the muscles has also vanished, leaving them with white instead of pink hearts. (Photo by uwe kils)

  7. Transparent Amphipod

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    Called Phronima, this unusual animal is one of the many strange species recently found on an expedition to a deep-sea mountain range in the North Atlantic. In an ironic strategy for survival, this tiny shrimplike creature shows everything it has, inside and out, in an attempt to disappear. Many other small deep-sea creatures are transparent as well, or nearly so, to better camouflage themselves in their murky surroundings, scientists say. (Photo by David Shale)

  8. Transparent Larval Shrimp

    Transparent Larval Shrimp

    Found in the in the waters around Hawaii, this transparent larval shrimp piggybacks on an equally see-through jellyfish. (Photo by Chris Newbert/Minden Pictures)

  9. Transparent Salp

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    This jellyfish-like animals known as Salps feed on small plants in the water called phytoplankton (marine algae). They are transparent, barrel-shaped animals that can range from one to 10cm in length. (Photo by DM)

  10. Transparent Jellyfish

    Transparent Animals @ strange pictures

    Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. They are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. Many jellies are so transparent that they are almost impossible to see. The one above is from the Arctapodema genus, with a size of an inch-long (2.5-centimeter-long). (Photo by Bill Curtsinger)

The Best Affiliate Marketing Products Online!

Affiliate marketing is every online business owner's dream - make lots of money yet do no customer support, fulfillment or all the "dirty" work. It's the most risk-free and flexible way of making a six-figure income fast!

On this page we have reviewed the Top 5 Affiliate Marketing Products that are proven to work. I strongly recommend that you try them out and improve your affiliate marketing income.


26 February 2009

A Boy and The Apple Tree

Top 5 Spyware Remover Reviews

Find the Best Spyware Remover Online!

Spyware is not only annoying, but also a threat to your personal security. Spyware programs can be installed on your computer without you ever finding out, so you need to regularly search for them using reliable software.

The most important thing is to find out which spyware remover programs you should use. On this page we have reviewed the Top 5 Spyware Remover Programs that are proven to work.
